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Songs Composed by Rabbi Chrysler
Arranged by Nachman Klein
Distributed by Galpaz

free jewish music

A Song is Prayer

  • Cantor Gottesman makes his debut Music CD a instant timless favorite in the Jewish Chassidic music world. This CD show us that right from the start he will be a lasting force in World of music. A Song is a Prayer features 10 Vibrant tracks of Hebrew Chassidic Music that can warm even the coldest night.
  • In 1978 Shaya Mendelovitz the famous Producer of Jewish music said: If you let me produce your album I will make you in the 3rd star after MBD and A.Fried.
jewish Music

Arranged & Produced
by Cantor Gottesman
Distributed by Galpaz

free jewish music

Lechu Nerannena (light cantorial music)

  • Cantor Gottesman delivers a set of 11 Chazzanut heart warming tracks filled with the power of the Cantors glorious voice accompanied by his sons. This CD is the second release from Cantor Gottesman and instantly became a classic in the Chazzanut world of Jewish Music.
  • In 2002 Dr Miriam Arman PhD Renown International Voice Teacher and Coach said: If you give me one year of your life, you will out sing Helfgoot.
jewish Music

Arranged & Produced
by Cantor Gottesman
Distributed by Galpaz

jewish music

Opera in the Synagogue

  • A masterpiece Cd is what 'Opera in the Synagogue' has been called!
  • Gottesman features a romantic Jewish music ballad from the title track from the motion picture Titanic' My Heart Will Go On ' sung in Hebrew with the words Eshet Chail.
  • This song will charm you like never before. plus 11 other songs of 0pera adapted to Jewish prayers like Caruso, La Donna e Mobile, Nessun Dorma.
  • 'Opera in the Synagogue' will delight you with the sounds of Cantor Gottesman in his finest form with this powerful operatic voice.
  • In 1998 Prof. William Mc.Gregori Head of Mac Gill University Montreal Opera and voice Dept. said: You are probably one of the 10 best voices in the World if you are prepared to sell everything for your studies you will be a star.
jewish Music

Arranged by 'Jack' from
lahit baroch studios
Produced by Cantor Gottesman
Distributed by Galpaz

Cantorial music

Carlebach Chazanut

  • This CD includes many of Carlebach's earlier recordings, which included, his upbeat Nigunin, and also a Cantorial section.
    Cantor Yosef Gottesman learned his Carlebach nusach and repertoire from Reb Shlomo's close friend and band
    leader Michael Rubin whose large archive and vast knowledge of Carlebach music is unparreled. dont miss this CD it is a Jewish Music Classic
jewish Music
Distributed by Galpaz
discover jewish music

Cantor Gottesmans Greatest Hits

Music fans have been discovering Jewish music from Cantor
Yossef Gottesman and can see that he sings in the same
league as some of the best Cantors in the world

Download the Cantors version Of Titanic song My Heart Will
Go On'in Hebrew

click here to download Eshet Chayil
Download Cantor Gottesmans Free
Cantorial music,Opera Carlebach Mp3's

and hear why Cantor Gottesman
has been hailed the" Jewish